Alison Bryson, Reiki Master

Alison Bryson, Reiki Master


About Alison

Alison was introduced to Reiki during her childhood from three very special Reiki Masters; her mother and two aunts.  Growing up with these women meant that someone in the family was often giving, receiving or sending (distance) Reiki to one another. It was typical to see a family member at a holiday gathering or birthday party laying on the floor accepting healings.  Years later, during a particularly troubling time, Alison received a Reiki treatment from a local practitioner in her Brooklyn community.  The session was profound and deeply therapeutic.  Shortly after, during an intuitive meditation session, it was suggested to Alison that she explore the healing arts and Reiki.  It clicked.  Yes, of course...Reiki!  It was there all along.  The thought to connect to this practice and channel this life force to provide service was thrilling. She began studying with her Aunt and Mother and received her Reiki 1 attunement in 2017, followed by the 2nd degree attunement the following year.  In early 2021, Alison is grateful to have connected with Cole and the Glowing Heart Reiki School to deepen her knowledge and train to teach and further share Reiki with others. 

Alison’s sessions have had an emphasis on connecting and clearing physical symptoms due to emotional causes, mind / body connections, and holding space for those on a fertility journey.  She incorporates plants and crystals in her sessions and occasionally uses shamanic journeying for guided chakra clearings.  In 2021, she received a Hypnosis Practitioner Certification and has begun combining the two modalities for powerful healings. 

As a 2nd generation Reiki Practitioner, practicing Reiki has become a family tradition.  Alison’s family is spread throughout the country, but Reiki is frequently requested and sent through the family group texts. When lucky enough to all be reunited, the family partakes in a day of Community Reiki with each other. Alison is blessed to be able to share her love of Reiki with her family and as a service to her community. Contact Alison: